As an admin i would like to be able to re-open issues that have been completed.
Practical use of functionality?
Issues that have been completed incorrectly could be re-opened in very rare cases to add relevant information. This would keep all information related to one issue together rather than needing to send another issue and having to keep track of two. |
What is the impact of not doing this?
There is a time impact related to this as document controllers will need to monitor multiple issues for responses, as opposed to one had the error of closing the issue early had not happened. |
Hi @Guest ,
Thank you for your idea. I have a few questions below that would be really helpful if you could answer.
When re-opening a complete issue:
Should the tasks be re-opened for users who hadn't completed their tasks?
Should email notifications be sent to users for whom their tasks were re-opened?
Should email notifications be sent to all users "on" the issue irrespective of the status of their responses?
If response revision is enabled, should all users with permission be able to revise their existing responses?
If discussion is enabled, should all users with permission be able to add discussions?
Should the user re-opening the issue have to give a reason why it is being re-opened?
Is there a requirement to be able to "bulk" re-open many issues? Or is support for re-opening single issue sufficient?
Best regards, Paul Houghton...