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Status Needs review
Workspace Core CDE
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 13, 2025

Exchange standard support email from Bentley with our own support hotline

Currently, upon sign-in, the user gets the error message displayed in the screenshot. We would like to have a server confioguration to exchange the support-email adress with our own support.

Users that do not know just click on the email and ask for help. Bentley support tells them they cannot help because our server is managed my our companies support. This is inefficient.

Practical use of functionality?

The user is directed to the correct support directly without Bentley Support opening a ticket answering to the user that they are not responsible and closing the ticket directly.

What is the impact of not doing this?

Unnecessary work will be done in the Bentley support pipeline.

  • Admin
    Paul Houghton
    Feb 14, 2025

    Hi @Guest ,

    Thank you for raising this idea.

    The error page shown in your screenshot is a standard error page.

    1. Are you looking for your support address to be shown on all of these error pages?

    2. Or just shown on error pages related to log-in and authentication?

    3. Or just shown for very specific authentication errors?

    Thank you, Paul.