In the standard configuration (default ISO19650), the setup is dependent upon utility Collections defining columns globally. (In "2. How to display results / Columns" we use the "Always the same columns as" to point at the globally available Collection.)
When a search is run, the Space and Location columns are automatically added to the set of columns.
In some situations this is desirable, in others it causes confusion:
Users may use the terms Space and Location in their configurations to mean very different things. This can mean two Space Columns and two Location columns.
To resolve this issue it is important that we can choose to hide these Space and Location columns via configuration on the saved search.
This results in Space and Location columns being shown in Saved Searches across the Information Collection within a Space. (Both Space and Location Columns cause confusion with other Columns that show in the Saved Search. Such as Level/Location.)
We need to be able to hide these Space and Location columns via configuration on the saved search.
Practical use of functionality?
Delivering ISO19650 and BS1192 to customers.
What is the impact of not doing this?
Saved search listings contain columns that are not required to drive the workflow.