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Status Future consideration
Workspace Core CDE
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 26, 2023

Support multiple language specific strings for ENUMERATED METADATA FIELD VALUES

As a schema designer I want to be able to define an enumerated metadata field (single select drop down/multi-select drop down/taxonomy) that supports multiple languages - i.e. one value per language to reduce administrative overheads around schema for global companies.

E.g. a status field can have the primary English values defined alongside a set of language specific alternates for French and German.

As a user I want to be able to search for a status value in German and find it in French.

As a user I want to be able to search across projects running across multiple languages and search for all documents with a particular status across those projects.

This would need to ensure that Space Specific Metadata Values are also supported in multiple languages.

Practical use of functionality?

Define a set of work packages and specify their names across all required languages.

What is the impact of not doing this?

We will require a schema per language which will increase management of schema for global companies.