As a reviewer I want to be able to strikeout, strikethrough, highlight, and underline text in a document quickly and efficiently in a markup layer.
The current markup tool is unable to strikeout, strikethrough, highlight, and underline text contained in a document.
Practical use of functionality?
A pdf specification is uploaded for review, the review would like to be able to provide basic markup such as strikethrough to show text that should be removed. |
What is the impact of not doing this?
It is very manual and time consuming to markup a specification document for review. |
The BCDE mark-up tool is clunky and there a standard features such as strikeout and highlight that should be available.
The mark-up tool should also show other reviewer markups live in the system to decrease duplication when team members are reviewing. Most review time frames are quite limited so often reviewers would be marking up at the same time.