As a connector admin I want to be able to define a source to destination mapping of folders where most folders map into a single destination with a small set of exceptions.
For example, all documents go into the "Project Information" folder except for "Security" documents and "Financial" documents.
Options include:
When going from ProjectWise to BCDE, the contents of the saved search could dictate what goes into a specific destination.
Extend the single location path mapping option to support exceptions.
Extend the manual location path mapping option to support "everything in this folder including sub folders" maps to a destination.
Practical use of functionality?
Define that all documents go into the "Project Information" folder except "Security" documents which go into the "Security Information" folder. |
What is the impact of not doing this?
Either multiple connectors are required OR manual mapping between the source and destination is required. Both require a significant overhead in setup and maintenance. |