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Showing 163 of 163

Automatically send reminders about incomplete tasks

Issue senders often have to send out reminders to people to respond before the deadline is reached. Typically they give two week deadlines on Key Issues. Ideally they would like some way to have these reminders sent out automatically to anyone who...
about 1 year ago in Core CDE 1 Future consideration

Support "sets" (sometimes called flat sets) in ProjectWise

As a publisher I want to be able to publish a (flat) set's documents from ProjectWise into BCDE. A (flat) set is a set of documents that have been related together in the ProjectWise and brings them together from across a set of folders.
8 months ago in Sync 0 Future consideration

Edit icons for multiple items at once

As a template admin I want to be able to edit icons for multiple save searches/web links/containers at once to save significant time setting up templates.
8 months ago in Core CDE / Configuration 0 Planned

Downloading Company Short Names

As a new user of the BCDE API to link AD and BCDE we have a list of companies in AD. The companies lists in AD and BCDE need to match to ensure the users are assigned correctly when created. This includes the company short name. There is no method...
6 months ago in Core CDE / Administration / User Management 1 Future consideration

Synchronise Configuration between ProjectWise and BCDE to reduce admin overhead

As an administrator I want to be able to share configuration between ProjectWise and BCDE to reduce the configuration effort and reduce the risk of mismatch errors between the two systems. E.g. Same set of document types Same set of location and v...
8 months ago in Core CDE / Configuration 0 Future consideration

Assign company to a Space using the BCDE API

As a system integrator I want to be able to assign a company to a space via the API in order to automate creation and syncing. Assign a company Un-assign a company
8 months ago in Core CDE / API and Integration 0 Future consideration

Unicode (extended character) Support for i18n

As a user I want to be able to upload files into BCDE that use unicode characters in their filenames. (Supporting users.) As a user I want to be able to edit types and metadata that use unicode characters. As an app developer I want to be able to ...
9 months ago in Core CDE / i18n - Internationalisation 0 Planned

Configurable change to default notification setting on Add New User

As an admin user I would like the default "new user notification" setting to be configurable. Between BC 7.4.x and BC 7.5.x the default setting on the "Add New User" page changed from not notifying the user by default to notifying them by default....
12 months ago in Core CDE 0 Future consideration

Look and feel email notification

I have received the feedback from our users that the email notifications and their content is very detailed and a little confusing. The email serves the purpose to direct the user to a link in the plattform where all the information is displayed. ...
9 months ago in Core CDE / User Experience 3 Needs review

Support copying and pasting objects into and out of the Space Template - maintaining Future Access Rights

As an admin I want to be able to copy items between a Space Template and a Space including: Folder Collection Web link Saved Search Document ??? As an admin I want to be able to move items into and out of a Space Template and to not lose the futur...
9 months ago in Core CDE / Configuration 0 Future consideration