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Showing 164 of 164

Processes can seamlessly span ProjectWise and BCDE

As a workflow designer I want to be able to design and build processes that can span both ProjectWise and BCDE to enable seamless flows of information between both tools.
9 months ago in Workflow 0 Future consideration

Support View and Markup of 3D models files as part of a workflow in BCDE

As a user I want to be able to review a 3D model file and mark it up as I would do with a 2D model file.
9 months ago in Core CDE / View and Markup 0 Future consideration

Restrict (turn off?) Available Set of Roles in Space/Schema/Sub-schema

As a schema admin I want to restrict the set of roles available for use within all Spaces connected to the schema or sub-schema. As a space owner I want to restrict the set of roles available for use within the Space.
over 2 years ago in Core CDE 1 Future consideration

Implement Events search comparable to the UI through Web Services

As an application developer I want to be able to search for objects by their events via the BCDE REST API, with the similar options as those available in the interface. The API search should include: Types of events Person who carried out the even...
10 months ago in Core CDE / API and Integration 0 Future consideration

Export a Workflow (Process) from a Server/Schema for later Import into another Server/Schema

As a workflow admin I want to be able to export a workflow type from a server or schema for subsequent importing into another server or schema.
10 months ago in Workflow 0 Future consideration

Make it simple to view a document/drawing and its review markup

As a contractor I want to be able to more quickly see a document has markups against it, view a document and its review markup in order to enact the requested changes. Currently, the listing shows an "Issued" icon beside documents that leads to th...
over 1 year ago in Core CDE 0 Needs review

Support Editing Renditions (Add - including correction, Remove) in the API

As a developer I want to be able to use the BCDE API to add, and remove renditions from a document. Notes Need to be able to add a rendition to a document. Add a rendition (from device) Add an existing document as rendition (from BCDE) Need to be ...
about 2 years ago in Core CDE 0 Planned

Out of office capability for users involved in workflows

As a user I want to be able to tell BCDE when I am out of the office. As a project manager I want to be able to set a user as out of office if they are incapacitated and cannot do so themselves. As a project manager I want to be able to see when m...
over 1 year ago in Core CDE 0 Future consideration

Provide the ability to fulfil placeholders and upload renditions similar to Add Documents with Renditions

As a project manager I want to prevent new documents from being added but allow multiple placeholders to be fulfilled at once with primary documents and their renditions. To upload a zip file with both primary files and renditions it is required t...
over 1 year ago in Core CDE 2 Future consideration

Automatic update reference documents

If a document is upgraded with a new version and has been copied as reference, the reference document will also be upgraded.
5 months ago in Core CDE 1 Needs review