Dashboard - Placeholder Statistics - Pending, Completed, and Percentage Delivered
As a project manager I want to be able to see the total number of pending deliverables, delivered deliverables and Percentage complete. To the dashboard add: Total number of unfulfilled pigeonholes Total number of fulfilled pigeonholes Percentage ...
over 1 year ago
in Core CDE
Future consideration
As a Project Manager I want to be able to specify the official language of my project. As a user I want to be able to see what the official language of a project is so that I know to use to correct language. As a user I want to be able to choose w...
over 1 year ago
in Core CDE
Future consideration
Request access button when a document is private to you
As a user I want to be able to request access to a document that is private from me. As a document owner I want to be able to approve request access to grant access to a document to the requester.
about 3 years ago
in Core CDE
Future consideration
Configure the default version number format for the BCDE server instance
As an admin I want to be able to configure the default version number format for the server. Notes This would enable the standard default [0.1] to be replaced with a custom default [P01.01]. A new ability to indicate which version number format is...
over 1 year ago
in Core CDE
Future consideration
As a user I want to be able to "reference" one or many objects and apply them as a metadata field values to Documents, Issues, Saved Searches, Spaces, Folders, Collections, Companies, Roles, and Users.
As a project admin I want to be able to restrict the ability to download or print documents for certain users on projects with strict security conventions. Users would be restricted to only viewing information using the online document viewer.
about 3 years ago
in Core CDE
Future consideration
As a user I want to be able to upload a document with a name that contains a taxonomy code that can work with auto-tagging and set a taxonomy field. Notes Here is an example of a Uniclass hierarchy: 05 - Project management activities 00 - Strategy...
over 1 year ago
in Core CDE
Future consideration
Assigned company field to support upload on behalf of by nominated role
As a document controller (non-admin) I want to be able to upload documents on behalf of suppliers who are unable to complete this task. Note How do we nominate WHO has this special power? Is it something configured on System/Schema/Space? Could it...
over 1 year ago
in Core CDE
Future consideration
Send issue response notifications to the responder for records purposes
As the responder to an issue I want to receive an instant or delayed notification response for my own records. At present, BCDE does not send notifications for issue response activity generated by the user. I.e. we don't send notification of what ...
over 1 year ago
in Core CDE
Future consideration