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Showing 169 of 169

Exchange standard support email from Bentley with our own support hotline

Currently, upon sign-in, the user gets the error message displayed in the screenshot. We would like to have a server confioguration to exchange the support-email adress with our own support. Users that do not know just click on the email and ask f...
5 days ago in Core CDE 1 Needs review

View/Create/Send Issue - Reason for Issue/Field set Order

As a schema admin I want to be able to specify the order of reasons for issue/field sets on a per issue basis. As an end user I want the order of reasons for issue/field sets to be respected in the distribution section when viewing or creating an ...
12 days ago in Core CDE / User Experience / Workflow 0 Needs review

Autotagging to support many rules per project

As a document controller I need autotagging to support multiple rules per project. I.e. to extend capabilities beyond small set of standard naming conventions based upon standards. Reasons for lots of rules: Different naming conventions in each re...
5 months ago in Core CDE / Document Management 0 Planned

Support adding multiple files in the "Attach File" field on a response

As a user I want to be able to attach multiple files when making a response using the "Attach File" field in an issue response. (Currently only a single file is permitted when responding.)
6 months ago in Core CDE 2 Planned

Supporting 1,000s of references to a single document in BCDE

As a user I want to be able to reference a single document potentially 1,000s of times across projects or sub projects. Use cases Temporary Works (TW) – some projects can have circa 10,000 Temporary Works happening across delivery. As a TW Coordin...
over 1 year ago in Core CDE 0 Future consideration

Ability to Allow Users to Save & Easily Access Their Own Filters from Within Quartz interface

As a user I want to be able to save a listing (folder, collection, saved search, etc.) filter for future use to make common processes more efficient. For example, the user filters the information collection, saves the filter - giving it a name, an...
4 months ago in Core CDE / Reporting and Dashboards / User Experience 0 Future consideration

View Issue - Response order enhancements

As a user I want to see the responses to an issue/document in logical order when viewing an issue. As a user I want to see the responses to a document in an exposed issue response column in a logical order. As a user I want to see the responses to...
4 months ago in Core CDE / User Experience / Workflow 0

Edit functionality

We are currently using the compatibility viewer option in IE Mode in Edge to enable the continued use of the edit functionality. This is used across the company by staff, contractors and clients to enable them to quickly update spreadsheets. This ...
10 months ago in Core CDE 2 Needs review

Stamp PDF with Image or Metadata Value

As a workflow designer I want to be able to stamp a PDF with an image or metadata value to allow status from the CDE to be transferred to the document contents as the outcome of a workflow.
10 months ago in Workflow 0 Future consideration

Quick edit a connector step - without having to navigate through all steps

As an admin I want to be able to choose which step I want to edit from an existing connector and be able to save just that step. E.g. Directly edit the name and sharing details. E.g. Directly edit the field mapping.
11 months ago in Sync 0 Future consideration