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Showing 174 of 174

Disassociate IMS GUID from BCDE User

As an admin I want to be able to disassociate an IMS GUID from a BCDE user when the IMS GUID changes because the user's email address has changed.
6 days ago in Core CDE / Administration / API and Integration 0 Planned

Reopen a user's completed tasks on an Issue

As an issue sender or controller I want to be able to reopen a users completed tasks on an issue if I need them to repeat the task. E.g. As part of an RFI process - require that the response to the RFI is revised.
9 days ago in Core CDE / Workflow 0 Future consideration

Automatic Completion of Issue Once Final Response Is Made

As a lead reviewer I want to be able complete my response and doing so, automatically complete the issue to prevent further responses from being made. I.e. To be able to flag a final response e.g. the final approvers response, so that once it is m...
13 days ago in Core CDE / Workflow 0 Future consideration

Add renditions in bulk available as part of upload and process to ensure documents have renditions prior to workflow

As a user I want to be able to quickly upload documents, their renditions, edit type, and edit metadata as part of a simple, streamlined process. As a workflow admin I want to be able to configure a workflow that reacts differently based upon whet...
about 1 month ago in Core CDE / Document Management 0 Future consideration

Exchange standard support email from Bentley with our own support hotline

Currently, upon sign-in, the user gets the error message displayed in the screenshot. We would like to have a server confioguration to exchange the support-email adress with our own support. Users that do not know just click on the email and ask f...
28 days ago in Core CDE 1 Future consideration

View all responses to a document stack in a spreadsheet style format

As a user I want to be able to see all responses (I have access to) for all versions of a document in a single spreadsheet style format. The user needs to be able to review historical responses when making their latest response to the latest versi...
about 2 months ago in Core CDE / Document Management / Workflow 0 Future consideration

Autotagging to support many rules per project

As a document controller I need autotagging to support multiple rules per project. I.e. to extend capabilities beyond small set of standard naming conventions based upon standards. Reasons for lots of rules: Different naming conventions in each re...
5 months ago in Core CDE / Document Management 0 Planned

Support adding multiple files in the "Attach File" field on a response

As a user I want to be able to attach multiple files when making a response using the "Attach File" field in an issue response. (Currently only a single file is permitted when responding.)
7 months ago in Core CDE 2 Planned

View/Create/Send Issue - Reason for Issue/Field set Order

As a schema admin I want to be able to specify the order of reasons for issue/field sets on a per issue basis. As an end user I want the order of reasons for issue/field sets to be respected in the distribution section when viewing or creating an ...
about 1 month ago in Core CDE / User Experience / Workflow 0 Future consideration

Supporting 1,000s of references to a single document in BCDE

As a user I want to be able to reference a single document potentially 1,000s of times across projects or sub projects. Use cases Temporary Works (TW) – some projects can have circa 10,000 Temporary Works happening across delivery. As a TW Coordin...
over 1 year ago in Core CDE 0 Future consideration